Over the past few months I have been going into one of the most dangerous areas of Tijuana, Mexico. Why would I go there? For the wonderful teens that live in an area known for crime, violence and international drug cartels. Through an amazing nonprofit organization called “Bridge to the Future” and their partner U.S. organization Letics Sports, Inc. these kids have found a safe haven utilizing soccer to get them off the streets. The success of this program has led to a partnership with the Power of Peace Project. Next week I will go back and we will launch our “40 Days of Peace” program with 200 teens in that very tough community. I cannot wait to see them again.
These kids will begin their journey as young peacemakers and become models in their schools and neighborhoods of what it takes to heal a wounded community. The coach of this soccer club, which currently has ten teams, gives every kid a nick name– so of course they have initiated and adopted me into the club and given me one as well. They call me Rambo! We are also piloting a program where these Tijuana Teens will connect with other young people in San Diego and Los Angeles. With all the drama surrounding the upcoming election where our nation is talking about constructing walls and blocking tunnels, POPP will begin building bridges of Hope and Peace, and children will be the catalyst. I believe this model can be further developed and replicated around the world utilizing youth, sports, and the Power of Peace. Join us and adopt a Tijuana Teen. For only a dollar a day ($40 donation) you can support them through their 40 Days of Peace and also connect them with a kid in the U.S. It is a for healing between our nations and our kids will lead the way!