Are you at a low point? Have you bottomed out, or just feel stuck? I want to encourage you that God is still in the miracle business, and it is NEVER too late… In 2004, I was at the end of my rope. I had failed, fallen, and almost lost all hope– on the verge of giving up once and for all. I felt so lost that I spent both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners all alone at the Waffle house that holiday season, feeling quite sorry for myself. I struggled mightily with this all-important question: could I get up, and rally for a comeback, just one more time? God is faithful and LOVES the underdog, and a miraculous comeback– as a matter of fact, if you read your bible, he specializes in it– and He appears to especially love using “Knuckleheads.” The tougher the case, the more the glory when He turns the curse into a blessing. Who knew that He would use my folly, failure, loss, and pain for His glory and the foundation of my great life’s work? He began to put me back together and low and behold, out sprang a new dream in my heart. I found sobriety and love again, and began a journey that would take me around the world, and beyond my wildest dreams.
Today, just thirteen short years later, here is what He has done so far: I have a wife who is in love with me, as I am with her; I have two kids in college who respect me and call me their role model, and I could not be any more proud of them– as well as two wonderful grown sons and their beautiful wives who we adore; I have a grandson who is the joy of my life; I have a Mom who has never left my side, and has been my “Ride or Die” since birth; I have a sister who is my “secret hero.” I have a step-father who adores my Mom and takes care of her, as I always dreamed she would have– and an awesome little brother; I have In-Laws I love; I have a calling, and a family business, that I love so much that I often do it for free (and a wonderful Uncle as a Partner who keeps me straight!); I have two dogs who think I hung the moon (though they love my wife the most); I have more friends than I have time to hang out with; and I have made peace with my Dad, who broke my heart when he tragically passed when I was in college… I could go on, and on, and on. Suffice it to say that God has stalked me, chased me, carried me, and rescued me more times than I can even remember, though the trip is still filled with uncertainty, fear, and doubt from time to time, as I learn to continue to trust in Him… PLEASE don’t give up, the dawn is breaking and your salvation is on its way. Don’t quit five minutes before your miracle happens– perhaps today is your day, and your victory is right around the next corner– light shines brightest in the darkness. All these years later, I can tell you this: I’ll never look at that Waffle House quite the same way, ever again. #NeverGiveUp