Warriors Get Civil Rights Learning Experience
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL I NORTH COBB Warriors get Civil Rights learning experience By Tyhi Conley MDJ Sports Writer MARIETTA — Martin Luther King Jr. weekend is typically known as a time for shedding light on the Civil Rights movement and social injustices. However, for...
The Power of Peace…and Hope for our Youth
February 15, 2015 By Gareth Young Power of PeaceLast week I sat down with a person whose work I have followed and who I have wanted to meet for some time. Kit Cummings is a remarkable human being, but at the same time he is very ordinary. He has done amazing things,...
International peace activist launches ’40 Days of Peace’ to parents with felonies
MUSKEGON, MI -- All he asks for is 40 days, a short time frame designed to change prisons, schools, nonprofit groups and churches. Kit Cummings is an international author, speaker and activist who five years ago created the Power of Peace as a way of bringing people...
Alumnus Spotlight: John Christopher “Kit” Cummings (BBA ’89)
Assistant Director of Communications Jamie Lewis (AB '12, AB '12) recently interviewed alumnus Kit Cummings about his career and time at UGA. Kit is an international author, speaker and human rights and peace activist. After a lengthy career in ministry, Kit began...
Article from ideamensch
Great leaders, titans of industry, artists, athletes, and world changers have figured out how to stay connected to the source of their inspiration and in the “zone” as some put it; and when they fall off the beam they realize it and know how to get back on. As an...
Journal of Law and Criminal Justice (PDF FIle)
This small scale study investigated what would happen when men at a dangerous maximum security prison, Hays State Prison in Trion, GA signed a “Peace Pledge.” Following the example of men like Gandhi, King, Mandela and Jesus of Nazareth, they set out to see if they...
Media Kit Electronic
As an inspirational author, cutting edge teacher, and international speaker, Kit Cummings delivers a timely message of unlimited human power and potential. With a personal and professional pursuit of coaching and developing people for over twenty-five years, Kit has...
AJC Article
A week ago I was invited Into a world that few from my neighborhood will ever see. I am a white man who grew up in the middle-class suburbs of a large Southern city. I go where I am invited and that one conviction has changed my life. For example, five years ago I was...
We Are Creating It Magazine
I am absolutely fascinated by the entire creation process. I have trained myself to look for it, find it, watch it, and co-create with it throughout the day. Nature is in a never ending cycle of creation: birth, life, death, rebirth, and then the cycle...
This Generation AJC
In 2009 I drove to Gwinnett County Detention Center to visit with a kid that I had connected with many years earlier when he was a teenager. Now, he was a grown young man, with big boy problems. After years inside one of the toughest street gangs in the world, he was...